Mary, (Rebel) Mother of Jesus
In this special Christmas episode, Susie explores the life of Mary, the mother of Jesus, looking at her as a symbol of motherhood and what that means for modern mothers. We discuss her reverence in Christianity and Islam, her experience as a real-life mother, and her significance in various social justice issues, including interfaith cooperation, immigration reform, classism, feminism, and anti-racism. Mary's multifaceted role as both a symbol and a historical mother is examined, focusing on her empowerment and resilience in the face of adversity.
Topics Include:
- Introduction to Mary as a symbol of motherhood
- Mary’s significance in Christianity and Islam and her relevance to modern mothers.
- Mary’s perspective of Jesus’ life through her eyes as a real-life mother
- The challenges and struggles Mary might have faced as an unwed teenager with an unexpected pregnancy
- Mary’s seven sorrows as a mother
- Intersection of Mary’s story with social justice issues, including interfaith cooperation, immigration and refugee concerns, classism, racism, and feminism
- Mary as a symbol of female empowerment, consent, and resilience who celebrates the diverse experiences of motherhood.
- Mary's depiction as a Black Madonna
- The fusion of Mary with indigenous goddesses and African spiritual traditions.
- Mary as a rebel mother who continues to have a profound impact on women’s lives
Resources Mentioned:
- 2022 Report: Homicide leading cause of death for pregnant women in U.S. | News | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
- 2021 Study: The Pregnancy-Related Mortality Impact of a Total Abortion Ban in the United States: A Research Note on Increased Deaths Due to Remaining Pregnant
- Black Madonna - Wikipedia
- Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd
- "Jesus and Mary Dance with the Orishas" by Clara Luz Ajo Lazaro in Hope Abundant: Third World and Indigenous Women’s Theology
- (PDF) From Majesty to Mystery: Change in the Meanings of Black Madonnas from the Sixteenth to Nineteenth Centuries | Monique Scheer -
- Dr. Christine Dennis - Mothers Seeking Transformation