Merry Christmas greeting!
Hello! Today is a short episode, it’s really more of a “podcast Christmas card” from me to you. This is the 10th episode of Rebel Mothers y’all!! When I really began thinking seriously about starting a podcast, I did a little research, and about 40% of podcasts don’t make it this far, so getting to 10 episodes was my first goal and I’m still here!
And I love it you guys, I love this podcast. She’s like my fourth baby right now. It takes a lot of time to create a single episode, more than I imagined, but it’s work that lights me up and I hope that comes through the microphone. And my FAVORITE part is hearing from you!! I have loved every single supportive text, email, shared episode, comment on social media, 5-star rating - it all lights me up. The weirdest part about podcasting is how isolating it is, I’m so used to being in a group, whether it was teaching yoga or holding women’s circles, it’s a little odd sometimes to just talk about motherhood by myself for half an hour. BUT I also know that with the podcasts I listen to, those hosts feel like my best friends, and I really hope I can bring that energy to you as well, whether you’re listening while doing chores, driving kids around, on a mental self-care walk, or whatever you need to do while you listen. I am honored to be spending this time with you, and I’m so grateful and appreciative of you!
Rebel Mothers is entirely a labor of love and your support means the world to me. One of the best ways to support this show is by sharing it with another mom. Sending someone a link to an episode that you enjoyed or just a link to the show itself. You can also leave a review or rating, all of which really helps the show to rank and get the podcast out to more mothers who need to hear this message.
A few of you have reached out to ask if there’s a way to financially support the podcast, like a Patreon. I do not have a Patreon account, BUT if you go to my shop at, I’ve linked it to my virtual studio store and I’ve added a product called “Support The Rebel Mothers Podcast” that allows you to contribute $5 or whatever you wish to pay per month.
Additionally, I am also taking on a small number of private coaching clients in the first quarter of 2024. My MotherBLOOM coaching program was initially launched in 2022 as a 6-week group program as part of my capstone project to earn my Masters degree. I began taking on private coaching clients that year as I continued to refine the program. I am so grateful to the mothers who have trusted me with their stories, their challenges and vulnerabilities as we’ve worked through the MotherBLOOM process together, and I’ve witnessed some beautiful client transformations over the last year and a half.
Here’s a brief overview of how the program works: We start our time together by clarifying your mothering challenges, whether that’s feeling like you’re not getting enough support from your partner, or you’re tired of getting frustrated with your kids, or you’re struggling to find time for yourself between work and motherhood. We talk about goals and get a solid idea of what we’re working toward so that you can feel supported and successful in motherhood.
At the beginning of each call we do a quick awareness practice. This is something I do with all of my yoga clients as well, it helps us determine what’s showing up for you and helps you practice listening to your body, learning how to read your own triggers AND, most of all, what you can do to settle yourself whenever you’re feeling really charged or activated.
Then we start working through the process, and here’s a little bit about each of the 6 steps.
Motherline is the first step. In this lesson we work through the personal and cultural influences that shaped your understanding of motherhood. This helps you gain clarity about how you learned what it means to be a mother.
The next step is Matrescence, where we honor your transition into motherhood. This means we revisit your birth stories and I give you the space and support you need to celebrate, grieve, reclaim, mourn, or otherwise honor any pregnancy, miscarriage, birth, adoption, loss and postpartum period you experienced. There is no modern ritual to celebrate or mark the incredible shift in your psyche that happens when you become a mother, and this step honors that time for you.
The third step is all about reclaiming your identity, which seems to be one of the most common reasons why women enroll in MotherBLOOM. We talk about the reasons why you feel like you’ve lost yourself, and we work on your values and mindset so that you feel super confident in who you are and what you’re meant to be doing in the world.
At this point we’re halfway through so we take a week or so to revisit everything. The first three steps are all about where you came from and the next three steps are all about where you’re going, so this is a good time to check in.
The fourth step is about finding agency and power in motherhood. This is where we talk about setting boundaries, knowing your worth and giving you specific tools, like breathing exercises and body awareness practices that form part of what I call the “Empowered Mothering Toolkit” which helps you stay calm no matter what challenges motherhood throws at you.
Mothering consciously is the fifth step, and this one is so juicy and rich. We discuss the beauty of mothering as a quote “feminine” art, and celebrate the parts of our motherhood journey that have positively shaped us. We know that mothering can be joyful, and this step lets us relish all the best parts.
And our final step is revolutionary mothering. We take everything you’ve learned, from how your ideas about motherhood were shaped, your birth and postpartum experiences, your personal values, to the agency and power and beauty in motherhood and we put it all down in your own personal “Mothering Manifesto” This is your declaration of motherhood, it’s a tool you’ll refer to again and again as you desire to stand strong in birthing the future of the world that your children will inherit. Whether you’re a white mother who wants to raise anti-racist kids or you are passionate about advocating for neurodivergence in children or you just want to be involved in creating a better world, It’s an opportunity for you to use what you’ve learned in motherhood to find your ikigai, which is a Japanese term for that which gives your life purpose and meaning and wakes you up to joy.
And that’s it!! The whole process usually takes about two to three months together. We have weekly or biweekly one-on-one coaching calls, depending on what works best for your schedule. There are 6 steps to work through, and I’ve found that it’s best if we take about 2 weeks for each step. Most of my clients feel like they have learned the material and feel really strong in their motherhood goals after about 3 months, but whether you’re an overachiever who wants to get rocking on goals, or you’re someone who likes to take their time and let the lessons soak in slowly, it’s really up to you and how you learn best.
MotherBLOOM is such a great experience. It’s truly my own form of ikigai. I wish I could coach mothers all day every day, BUT because I’m still a busy mom with three school kids at home…and I’m also serving on the Board of the IAMAS…AND I’m producing this podcast entirely on my own…I can only take on about 6 clients at a time. I have 3 spots left for the first quarter of 2024 and in celebration of this podcast I’m offering the whole program at 50% off, which means you save $600. This is the last time this coaching program will ever be offered at this price, and the discount ends on December 31, 2023. You can pay in full or in payment plans, whatever is easiest for you.
What is it that you’re hoping to accomplish next year? What are your goals and dreams, and how do you plan to stay supported and nourished as you work toward them? Maybe it’s time to give yourself a coach to help you get to the next level. To sign up now, or if you have more questions, just email me at or visit and click on the “MotherBLOOM 1:1 Coaching - New Student”
These last 10 episodes have been a delight! Thanks for joining me on this Rebel Mothers adventure so far, and I can’t wait to see what 2024 brings. I’ll be back next week with another full length episode, and I hope you all had a Merry Christmas and wishing you a safe and wonderful new year!