Rebel Mothers Trailer

Motherhood has been used to oppress and exploit women for centuries. But it doesn’t have to be this way, and as mothers, we’re ready for a revolution. We love our kids, but we struggle with losing our identities, bearing the weight of motherhood without enough support, and striving to meet the impossible standards of what it means to be a ‘good’ mother. It’s time to openly discuss how motherhood is deeply affected by patriarchy, racism, and capitalism so that we can break free of these systems. As mothers, we know our work is valuable and has radical potential to birth a more equitable and inclusive future for ourselves and our children.

Welcome to the Rebel Mothers podcast. I’m your host, Susie Fishleder, and together we’ll explore the challenges of modern motherhood and reclaim mothering as an act of liberation. 
Rebel Mothers Trailer
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